Friday, May 1, 2009

A Happy Evening, A New Friend

As I sat contemplating how long I would have my hands tonight the phone rang. It was a woman named Barbara who needed someone to alter her teenage grandaughter's dance costume. A retail dance supply store in Modesto gave her my card. After thirty minutes I felt like I had known Barbara and her grandaughter, Taeilore (pronounced Taylor-Aye) my whole life. As I worked on a simple alteration to her costume, they talked to me; asking me all about what I did in my wonderful sewing room. Everything they saw or heard was 'beautiful' and 'wonderful'. I could see right away that the two of them shared a special relationship. There was kindness and respect between them and they emitted that to me as well. We talked about ballroom dancing. They are both interested in learning. I mentioned the words 'Fox Trot' and Barbara jumped up and exclaimed "Oh, the fox trot! How does that go?" She started dancing around in place, smiling. Her grandaughter kindly said, "Grandma, not now." Taeilore wanted to give my card to her dance teacher at her high school. Maybe there will be another teaching opportunity there; I don't know. As they were leaving Barbara handed me payment and insisted on tipping me $5. She said she had a lot of business to bring to me (sewing that is) and said she was happy that God brought me into their lives. That was when Taeilore said, "Grandma, I think you should learn ballroom dancing. You'd love it." I was almost speechless. Not very often do I meet people who are so willing to open up in such a short amount of time. I have a new friend and that is an answer to a prayer.
By the way... my hands gave out on me after I started this post last night. A new day brings new strength- usually. So I finished it this morning. Going back to my conversation with Barbara and Taeilore- I don't even remember how, but she got out of me that I was still kind of recovering from my surgery in January, even that it was a hysterectomy. She was immediately concerned for me and gave me positive advice. I think I remember her saying something about Taeilore wanting to be a gynecologist as a profession and that she should listen to what we were saying so she would know the terminology. Twelve hours later I am still reeling with good feelings from their visit. I am looking forward to the next one.

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