Sunday, July 19, 2009

Life with Parkinson's Post #15 My Changing World/Pictures don't lie

I have wanted for some time now to show you just how my life has changed over the last 8 years. I went from robust, fairly energetic to completely nonfuncioning, thin, etc. As I found more things to help me over the years I regained some of my robust look. It has been some journey and it's not over yet. But it makes me so grateful for what I have as I look back on these pictures.

This was taken the day Tracy (my husband is named Tracy also for those who don't know that)
shaved off his beard of 11 years! What a hunk!

Memorial Day 2008

July 2008 I was on prednazone and my face was so poofy!

During a thin phase in early 2007, on a bus to Oakland with church members.

March 2008. I was feeling very stable at this point. Went dancing quite a bit.

December 31, 2008 just before our New Years Eve dance performance.

2 years ago at a USO dinner/dance fundraiser. We were 2nd runner up in the dance contest.

Taken in 2000 at a church Valentine's dance. 2 years before any symptoms of PD.

Taken October 2006. Notice the weight change. I wasn't dieting...haha

Taken the same year- 2006. I was either swollen up or gaunt. Chemicals. I didn't have it figured out yet. I couldn't wear any hairspray or makeup. Soon after this picture I found some that didn't make me swell.

Taken the previous year 2005.

The family shot. I treasure this picture even if I don't have makeup on.

Now we are getting to the beginning before I was on medication and/or found any help.

My left arm is hanging, useless. I could barely stand up straight and smile. My extended family thought I had come to say goodbye before I died. I kind of did. But as you see, I am still kicking.
This was taken in Utah at our annual Memorial Day Breakfast.

Again, in this Christmas picture, my face is a mask and I think I look like a skeleton. My husband quieted my left arm movement.

1 comment:

Chase and Nichole said...

Oh mom I love you so much. You have been through so much with your health and I want you to know you have always been beautiful to me know matter what phase you were going through. I had forgotten how frail and sick you used to look. You have made great progress! You look great! And you can't even tell you do not have make up on in our family pic, that is how pretty you are. I guess we need to take another one dont we? I need to plan a time for us to come visit and we should take one then.