Thursday, July 2, 2009

Life with Parkinson's Post #11- Imagination and Migraines

As I sat and watched and listened to my daughter, Ariana, entertain herself and her cousin with a game she invented in the pool, I marveled at the phenomenon called 'imagination'. To have it is a gift and a sign of a healthy brain, I think (no pun intended:) )!

I imagined this particular day that I could enjoy a summer day with my daughter and niece in or next to a swimming pool, working on a tan (only 20 minutes a day does it for me), relaxing in a lounge chair in the shade listening to music. The music screetches to a stop!!!!!!

My imagination got me a migraine! I imagine for a while that my body and brain were healthy enough, finally, to endure some heat, some pool chemicals, and a 2 hour car ride all in the same day. Not to be. This is what I live with; PD. Does it mean I don't have a 'real' imagination? No, it does not mean that. It means I try to venture into that land of yesteryear when I could have a day as I have just described and keep going strong. It means I'm not ready - yet!!

Ariana, Tracy, Jackie. I made them pose with me before they got into the pool. We might never have another chance for a cute moment like this. We all look cute!!! Yea for cute!!

I was feeling chipper in my pink shirt; throw some lipstick on and I'm good for a self photo....

Vain, you say? No. I just don't have chipper, pink moments like this too often so I capture it.

Well, at 8:30 that evening I was regretting chipper and pink anything as the nausea and pain set in for the night. I inhale the headache medicine I've been prescribed and in another hour when I realize it is not working I take some real pain medicine. I did not imagine this in my mind's earlier revelry. I have been pulled back to the reality of the moment which is, I cannot be out in 100 degree heat or else I get a migraine. It's that simple.

On top of the migraine...(Is that like 'on top of old Smokey?) I pulled my quad muscle in my left leg so bad trying to do a dance move that I had no business trying and now can hardly walk. It hurts when I just touch it. I walk like the pirate with a wooden leg. Again, my imagination playing tricks on me. I think I have found the answer to my pain...

I will just imagine and quit playing for reals. I am not giving up a priceless piece of me or anything that serious. I am sensible enough to realize that a lot of middle aged adults cannot do the things I do and come out without injuries or migraines. So I'll practice the sensible a little more. There are simpler dance moves and cooler days to sit outside. My brain will appreciate it and I will keep healing.

Then again, this could just be all in my head.......

1 comment:

Chad & Clair said...

You are older than you used to be but I think your imagination is still as clear as possible! Your sewing designs show it. Hang in there you are a wonderful mom and are a wonderful person!