Thursday, July 16, 2009

Life with Parkinson's Post #12 - Summer Fun

In spite of the fact that our computer crashed, I have managed to get a big post in while I can. My favorite time of the year (with the exception of 100+ temperatures)- SUMMER!

Ariana is with me all day to keep me going and remind me that there is still fun to be had. PD is the lurking monster even in summer. I prepare my mind and body well in advance when I know we have a special day or activity planned. I consider what I should eat and drink to have a balance in my blood, brain, and stomach. This is one of the key factors in how I feel. I consider taking my medications exactly as I need to. I do nothing else, physically exerting, the day before a special occasion. Then, if there are no surprises lurking in the shadows, I can usually enjoy the fun almost as much as the rest of my family. I remind my family or whomever I will be with that I still have PD and I lay out my restrictions and my desires well ahead of time so no one will be disappointed or surprised at what may happen to me while we are recreating or celebrating, etc. So, following are some of the things we've been doing while Kaia has been here. Kaia is my beautiful blonde haired, blue eyed step daughter who lives in N. Carolina. We've been vacationing, in a budgeted sort of way, for the last week and a half and treasuring the time with her.

Ariana, Tracy, and Kaia on the balcony outside one of our monthly ballroom dances. We took the girls and they watched and even participated some. It was fun.

Ariana did her first waltz with her dad. It was pretty cute.

A rare occasion for us- dinner out at Chevy's restaurant. We all had watermelon virgin margaritas. It is my new favorite dinner drink!!

We took a trip to the temple and Kaia and Ariana enjoyed a few hours together at home.

Some Cody antics always brightens up our week. I miss him living here. You need to move back home, Cody. I'm serious......

Then our annual trip to Seacliffe Beach. It was 104 in Modesto this day. At Seacliffe it was a wonderful 75. We had 2 hours of sun then it got cold really fast but it was a great relief from the valley's stifling heat. I managed to develop a migraine (the lurking monster). I cannot let down my guard for a second concerning headache triggers. I took a new vitamin C supplement the night before this trip and that's what did it, I believe. My brain chemistry is so wacko that good things make me feel bad; at least for now. I had my trusty medicine with me, took some, took a nap and felt better by the time we got home. A nap on the beach is the only way to go. I left my right foot out of the cover and I am sunburned in one spot on my foot- weird.

In spite of my headache I had my camera going for any picture opportunity. I found all kinds of great shots.

I love capturing water fowl in flight. They have so much fun!

A sailboat in the distance.......

A fishing boat...I've never seen one in action so close.

My blonde companions!

Check out the Mormon missionaries at the end of the pier cool!

The ever present birds who live atop the concrete ship.

These two adorable puppies belonged to the family sitting close to us. They were so cute and well behaved. Everyone had their dogs with them, except us since we don't have dogs..... that was supposed to be a funny but I don't think it was.

There was a lifeguard training class going on with about 50 teenagers doing drills running on the beach and then in the surf and using their flotation rescue boards. It was pretty cool.

What would a day at the beach be like without our beloved seagulls. It still seems weird to me that this bird is the Utah state bird and not the California state bird.

During all of these activities I am constantly checking the time so I don't forget to take my PD meds or my pain meds. When I forget to take them (when I'm feeling good) it takes a few hours for them to kick in again and I kind of shut down or move into low gear. I don't like any down time. I also started a drawing of the pier but my headache got too bad so I put it away. Tracy is so good to always make sure that he supplies physical needs for Ariana like running, wrestling, walking and exploring. I just can't do those things with her anymore. I can do other kinds of interesting things with her that don't require me to exert too much. It's one of the hardest things for me to accept but Ariana always accepts it with her patient love for me. And this day, Kaia took some walks on the beach with her. Tracy, my darling husband, takes care of me so tenderly and unconditionally. All I have to do is ask him to do something and it's practically done before I'm finished speaking. I have Parkinsons, yes. It's hard, yes. But as I have recently adopted as my philosophy on Parkinsons- it is a 'friend' who has come to teach me great truths'.

I noticed a 7 year old boy next to us on the beach who didn't have a right hand. He was still playing with things, flying a kite and having fun. I would be devasted if I didn't have a right hand. Things could be a whole lot worse. I am blessed. I love my life, Parkinsons and all. Summer, to me, is the renewing, growing time; full of sunshine, flowers, family time and relaxation. What more could a girl ask for........


Chad and Clair said...

You guys seem like you are having an awesome summer! Can't wait till we are back with you. You are lucky mom despite Parkinson' are lucky because you have a wonderful family who loves you!

Chase and Nichole said...

I really enjoyed your post. You are a beautiful writer. I love reading about your feelings on your life with PD more than talking about it, I feel like you express yourself so much more and it is a little easier for me to understand. I am glad you had such a fun day at the beach. The picture of you a nd Tracy at Chevy's is one of my favorites. I love you!