Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Journey of One Day #13 Notes

January 19, 2011       Notes

I’m nearing a milestone, I’m almost to the ten week mark. All of the withdrawal symptoms; stomach constriction, body pain, and the nighttime shakes are all rapidly decreasing now. Yesterday I went the whole day without feeling stomach constriction. The body pain seems to be traveling to different parts of my body; one part gets to feel better when another starts to hurt.

The cause of the body pain is very interesting to me. When I understand it, it’s easier for me to bare it patiently. And the pain pills help too. All through our body, in every system, but mostly in the structural, we have what are called, proprioceptors. The definition of this term is- ‘a sensory receptor, found chiefly in muscles, tendons, joints, and the inner ear, that detects the motion or position of the body or a limb by responding to stimuli arising within the organism’. So I am right in the thick of regenerating mine.

I’m starting to see some slight improvement in movement control. I can feed myself all the time now. I have been able to make myself a cup of herb tea, button a few buttons. I even folded up a blanket. I can get up and down easier from sitting to standing. And I’m starting to be able to move myself around on my bed. I only need to get up once during the night now. Swallowing is getting better and better. I’m able to eat more solid foods and I have put on a few pounds. I still need help with most things but I’m feeling a bit more independent.

I see a pattern of good and bad days. I realized a few days ago that I had a virus in my lungs and sinuses. Viruses deplete Dopamine. I started taking a viral herb formula and an antibiotic for a sinus infection. I feel the difference after two days. By that I mean that killing the virus has helped improve my movement. I still sleep a lot during the day. This feels so good. I haven’t slept this well or this much in ten years.

So my end goal is getting closer. I’m very optimistic about the future. I still need to take things slowly and not over-do. I’m sure there will be more set backs, that will always be followed by improvement. Thank you for all your prayers and support.

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