Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Journey of One Day #12 Notes

January 12, 2011       Notes

Withdrawal symptoms – I still experience body pain at the end of the day, diaphragm constriction, and the shakes at night. The DC is starting to lessen and is easier controlled. The shaking at night only happens after I have been asleep for awhile. It subsides if I get up and walk around. The Dilauded and Valium help only to a certain point now. The protein shakes have helped a lot with my energy levels and returning muscle strength.

I feel the withdrawal symptoms slowing down though I still have a few weeks before I really see improvement in motor function. My appetite is better though I still don’t have the coordination to eat enough. That will come.

Unlike taking a pill to fix this, it does not happen overnight. It is hard to wait for a natural body process to play out. But in the end it’s worth it! I’m continuing having bi-weekly Bowen therapy, Jin Shin Jitsyui therapy weekly, and taking the various supplements that are all part of this recovery process.

I think it is harder for you out there, my friends and family, to be patient than it is for me. It’s a complex situation to understand. I still feel good about my decision, I just need to keep waiting for time to do it’s work. 

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