Friday, January 7, 2011

A Journey of One Day #10 Notes

January 7, 2011           Notes

I know you are all wondering how I am really getting along. The truth is, I’m not always sure. I just came out of two days of worsened symptoms. I believe this was due to the last Bowen therapy session. It is very interesting, the Bowen therapy, you lay on a massage table fully clothed. The practitioner, dose certain pressure and rolling movements on certain muscle groups from the head down to the toes. These movements reset the proprioceptors at reflex points. This in turn starts a wave of changes through out the central nervous system, which promotes healing of whatever ails you. You can find licensed practitioners on the Internet. That’s how I found mine.  

At this point my body seems to be the weakest it’s ever been. To me it feels like just weak muscles and not true Parkinson’s anymore. This goes right along with the stories of the other patience I read about. My muscles are learning a new communication system of native neurotransmitters  (not synthetic pills). And I  no longer have any stores of adrenaline which I used to operate on.

Those of you, who have talked to me on the telephone, may wonder at my slow and slurred speech. Partly its due to the sedating medications I have taken to control the awful muscle spasms and violent shaking.  What many doctors and even neurologists don’t know is that PD drugs are more addictive, therefore having worse withdrawal symptoms than Heroine, Cocaine, and the like.

Another thing that was brought to my attention is that I am not digesting protein.  Undigested protein can cause havoc on the kidneys. I’ve had nearly constant kidney pain. So I purchased a protein digestive aid supplement that is helping alleviate that problem.  The next concern is my diminishing weight. It’s very hard for me to eat The act of sitting up, lifting up my arm, chewing, swallowing, and breathing all at the same time is exhausting. My diet is limited to plain broth soups, oatmeal, water, and almond milk. Any dairy products create mucus that I choke on. Cody and Tracy are currently searching for a meal replacement drink that has a formula I can tolerate.

We recently purchased a used recliner that helps with my comfort levels quite a bit. Tracy and I came up with a new nighttime plan. He gets me situated on the couch before he goes to bed then sets his alarm for every two hours. He gets me up to walk around and use the bathroom. Then I can lay down again for another two hours, and so on. This is necessary since I can not move my own body. Again this is only temporary.

I got some better sleep last night, so I called this an “up” day. Thank you for your phone calls and E-mails. I’m not always able to talk or respond right away. That is why I have someone type these updates. It’s been nearly eight weeks now since I started this process. Everything I’ve experienced was to be expected. Just keep remembering that I know there is an end in sight. By that I mean recovering from Parkinson’s. Others have done it. So will I. Heavenly Father has been with  me every step along the way. I certainly feel all of your prayers.

I am still not ready for visitors except my children. I will let you know when that changes. My love to all.

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