Monday, January 10, 2011

A Journey of One Day #11 Notes

Monday January 10, 2011        Notes

Cody was able to find a good formula called Spiru-tein as meal replacement shake for me to drink twice a day in between meals.  I add two capsules of protein digestive aid and one capsule of Choline Bitartrate.  It’s very easy to mix, no blender needed and it tastes great.  I’ve already gained back one pound and I have more energy.  The insomnia is starting to decrease.  The only problem I have at night now is needing help to move every few hours.  I’m sleeping a lot still during the day which is good.  This means that my dopamine levels are increasing.  The swallowing difficulties are also improving slightly.  I still move very slow and speak very slow.  I’m feeling a possible respiratory problem like bronchitis.  I have a doctor checking that out today.

I decided to cut my hair very short since I couldn’t take care of it.  A girl in Clair’s ward is a hair stylist and has a business in her home.  She was kind enough to come to my home to cut my hair.  So the next time you see me, you may not recognize me.  I love the haircut.

I still believe that I am progressing well enough even though it may not seem like it to those who see me.  After nearly two weeks of needing Tracy to feed me, I’ve been able to feed myself the past two days.  It’s just over the eighth week mark and I am waiting for more improvements at the ten week mark.

Nichole’s baby looks like it’s going to be born early; probably this week.  It’s a boy.  We are waiting to hear anytime now.  So I will not be going to Utah for obvious reasons just yet.  When I am stronger and functioning on my own, I will make the trip to see my new grandson.  It may not be for a few months.

The weather here continues to be very cold (30s and 40s) with a lot of rain so I continue to stay in the house.  Keeping warm is so important in relation to how I can move.  I continue to have a lot of body pain.  The following statement is an excerpt from the book by Janis Walton-Hadlock called “Medications of Parkinson’s Disease”.  It explains about the body pain.  Quote:  “Restoration of blood vessels, proprioception, and temperature sensitivities in the extremities are some of the most painful aspects of Parkinson’s recovery.  Unmedicated patients may find these symptoms very painful.  The recovering person that is reducing medications may find them even more so”.  However, for me this pain is nothing like the pain I experienced with my back injury.  I am weathering it with low doses of pain medicine.  I am needing Valium for the muscle spasm’s less and less.  All in all I still believe the process is going as well as could be expected and I still have the support of my doctor.

So don’t worry too much.  I’ve been assured that I will make it through and recover my health.

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