In my healing process I seek this kind of love and light or 'pure joy'. I recognize it because of how my body responds in it's presence. When I am with the Chappells I am well. Even their name- Chappell, brings to mind a feeling of peace. I have been influenced so deeply by their simple sharing of who they are that I wanted to pass along their love to you.
Jim is a gifted musician. He wrote a song after his conversion to follow the Savior. Their story is he sang it to Mary when he proposed marriage to her. They sang it at their wedding reception. Mary has a lovely voice as well as Jim. The first time I heard them sing it was at a ward party. I was so appreciative of their talent and openness in sharing it. I asked them if I could film them. They agreed.
My recording is with a simple digital camera and the sound is not a high quality recording but you will feel the spirit of the song and the people nonetheless.
Remember, Jim wrote this and he used no music when playing it. What would this world be like without music and good friends like the Chappells.
This was taken at our ward Christmas breakfast in 08.
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