Saturday, August 22, 2009

Life With Parkinson's in my 40's- #19 Computer Frustration, Fact or Fiction

I am growing more frustrated by the day!! My computer is the culprit. How much do we rely on our computers to keep our minds occupied? What did we do before everyone had their own computer?

Well, our OLD computer kind of crashed and burned this summer. My wonderful husband has resurrected as much of it as he can. It works and it doesn't work. I cannot attach pictures to anything without freezing up everything. I am going through withdrawals for my pictures. I've sat in front of my screen wanting to scream, I don't know how many times. So, for now 'computer frustration' is fact. I'm hoping to turn it into fiction in the near future. Meanwhile, my camera is still clicking and shooting.

Being at the computer for long periods is not beneficial to my health; or rather my PD brain. It tends to make me foggy, tired and yes, mad as all get out- grrrrrrrrrrr!
And we all know how much a new computer costs even with a techy husband.

In the early days of computers, I worked in an office that had a cartoon sign pinned up next to our work station which had a picture of a crazed, angry woman holding a giant mallet over her head and the caption said, 'Hit Any Key'! I think it was me.

So, I am in mourning until I....... what? I am in mourning. -for my pictures stuck in my computer. I'm just in mourning, grieving. They say you should not hold these things inside. So I'm doing my best to get it out. Is it helping your computer frustration just reading about mine? Dumb question.

So, no pictures with this ranting. You have to use your imagination like we used to in the days before (shhhh), the 'c' word. Pray for me and my 'c' and my pictures. Silly you say? Not silly, imperative! But in the meantime, I will try to remember what it was I did before I became attached (literally) to this phenomenon we call 'personal computers', 'blogging', 'graphic design', 'digital photography', 'websites', and on and on and onnnnn........

I think it is called something like uhm,,... housework, no that's not it. Maybe it's yardwork, no that's not it either. Could be cooking dinner or reading a book. I don't know. It will require some serious pondering. Wish me luck.

There is always hope right? If I can keep a handle on Parkinson's then I think I can probably figure this one out.....sometime, somewhere. I just wish it were today.

1 comment:

Chase and Nichole said...

Ha Ha! I think anyone with computer problems goes crazy these days! Reading your post made me very grateful for my functioning computer, I hope it stays that way! If it breaks anytime soon, there is no way in heck we can afford a new one! I would be in mourning like you!