Monday, November 29, 2010

A Journey of One Day #1

Each day in my journey to the life of 'No Drugs, No PD' is monumental. As I type with one hand at a snail's pace, I look forward to using both hands.  As my body and my brain go thru this change I'm not 100% sure what to expect except that the outcome will be better than previous circumstances. This statement may be controversial to some but for me it's the only acceptable choice.


A day in a life is a cycle of happening.
An hour in the day is a small child napping.
A minute in the hour is a waiting period.
A second within the minute is thought varied.
Or is it buried?

A day, a day, a day for what?
A day for me, it means so much.
An hour or two, a minute, a second
They’re full of meaning, never vacant.

A day is for living, thinking, learning.
A day is for pondering, loving, yearning.
A day is filled with great and profound moments,
They must not, must not pass by- unnoticed.

A cycle, an hour, a minute, a second
What just happened? Can you see it and reckon?
The thought, the feeling, the word, the gesture.
Is the makeup, the heart of our moments’ architecture.

Repetition, experience; ‘round the cycle we go
Does it e’er stop? We cannot know.
The cycle like the moment consists of memories.
Things most likely to be found in diaries.

An hour of power.
What do we do with an hour?
Just part of a schedule?
Or time in the shower?

An hour like a clock, never stops counting on
On to the next hour, on to the dawn.
Waking, working, wanting, willing
Praying, earning, stopping, filling.

Wake me in an hour
Or else I’ll be sour.
I’ll be back in an hour.
With a bouqet of spring flowers.

Mind the minutes of your existence.
Define them, remember them. Be persistent.
Wait a minute. Do you have a minute?
What is it about……………….?
It’s about the here and now, the infinitesimal minute.

Seconds in a day are like sands of the sea.
Coming and going, filling our needs.
A second passed is gone forever.
While it’s here, it must be savored.

The journey of time in one day is mystical.
For man it could be simple, even whimsical.
For God it is purely logical and spiritual.
Together they make the journey of one day eternal!

In the eternal setting, it all makes more sense, has a different value and clearer perspective. Heavenly Father knows. That's good enough for me.

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