Monday, September 14, 2009

Life With Parkinson's in my 40's- #25 Photographs- The Window to my Soul

As I have pondered, studied and prayed for healing, it has come in many forms. God has blessed me with an overwhelming desire to capture my life's events and the world around me in photographs. My dear husband purchased a camera for me knowing of my desire. I have to take pictures almost as much as I have to dance. Pictures never die and never lie; at least not through my camera. You've heard 'the eye is the window to the soul', well, my camera is an extension of my soul's eye. I find a message for my soul in everything I photograph. And I have recently realized as I have been discovering the world through a camera it has been a healing balm to my PD existence. It helps me remember the past events that I would most likely not remember because of Pd. It reminds me of the majesty of God's creations; me being one of them. And last and maybe most important, I can share this part of myself in such a way that is unlike verbal or written feeling, thoughts or memories. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder as is truth. Seeing is believing. My photographs have become a confirmation of my faith in God and in my future. There is beauty in the world even when there is ugliness. There are peaceful, happy faces in the world even when there is war and pain. There is a bright future even when there has been a bleak past. These pictures were taken from Idaho, Utah, Nevada, Modesto, Monterey, and Seacliffe. My travels are not extensive. There is beauty wherever you will see it. The clue here is do you take the time to listen to what is around you every day? This world is here for us. We are here for each other. That alone is beautiful. God has not forgotten anything. It is up to us to remember..........

I've chosen some of my favorites and not in any special order. It's not a complete list of favorites just as many as my 'old' computer would download before freezing up. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Chad and Clair said...

These are all beautiful pictures mom! I love the one of Ariana's head sticking out of the grass. They were all fun to look at. I'm glad you are so passionate about so many things.