Thursday, April 23, 2009

April in Utah

Our unforgettable time in Utah!!

Picture time with Grandma before Easter celebrations at Uncle Devan and Aunt Taelor's house.

More playtime before dinner.

Brielle thought the day was ok.

Things were getting better.

What a party, Dad!

There's always time for a picture with Aunt Clair.

Nichole and Ariana looked 'pretty in pink'!

Chad and Clair chillin on the couch...

It was a beautiful day!

Nichole and Brielle came to see us while I was painting at the duplex.

I loved Brielle's tongue....maybe she'll take after her mom who liked to show her tongue in pictures too. Brielle's little tongue matches her cute cheeks.. And Auntie Ariana is a natural with Brielle.

Midweek, we got to visit with my Grandpa Hill and Grandma Cherrel. He is 90 and just starting to show his age. Cherrel is his 3rd wive and she takes tender care of him. It was so special to me to give my grandparents a hug one more time. Just think...I've known my Grandpa for 47 years!!

Grandma Cherrel calls him 'handsome'

I am so happy to have been able to take our 5 generation picture. Thank you, Nichole, for coming so far with little B. This picture is priceless.

Brielle was happy to meet her great, great grandparents.

We went down to Lehi and spent the night with Nichole and Brielle. Chase was working so we didn't get to see him until the next morning.

We enjoyed Brielle's dinner experience

.... and her quiet time on the big, comfy couch.

We were the first to see the test run on Brielle's new 'Mommy Pack'. Nichole was planning an outing to see the baby animals at Thanksgiving Point. Brielle gave her seal of approval by giving Grandma a finger in her mouth for the camera!

Auntie Ariana and little B in one more pose together.

Nearing the end of my week, I stepped out into a cold morning after a snowfall the previous evening. It took me back 30 years when I did the same thing every day as I walked to school. The crisp, mountain air and beauty of these rugged peaks was payment for my weeks work.

Morning sun on the mountains.

Morning view of snowy mountains. Sunrise!

The moon is always there to keep us balanced. It seemed to beckon to me this particular morning and said, "I'm a constant in the changing nature of the world".

Blossoms were everywhere, a sure sign of spring.

And only in Utah will you see frost on the daffodils in April!
What a trip. Exhausting, fulfilling, priceless.

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